ICODES: Integrated Computerized Deployment System – Provides deployment and load-planning support for USTRANSCOM. Serving as the single load capability for the DoD since 2006, ICODES provides near real-time planning and tracking of cargo stowage for air, ocean, rail and truck. The web-based enterprise technology provides end-to-end supply chain visibility of the cargo load plans, including distribution forecasting and planning. In 2016, Tapestry was awarded a $16.3 million contract from USTRANSCOM to enhance and sustain the technology with ICODES Version 7.
GDMS: Global Distribution Management System – Provides near-time tracking of all security vehicles and civilian logistics in support of U.S. Army forces operating in Afghanistan. The map-centric graphical tracking and data synthesis system provides in-transit visibility of the moving and deployable assets, incident analysis and emergency/panic alerting. Its centralized database manages 7,000 to 10,000 missions per month, linking cargo requests with vehicle-based satellite transponders for enhanced situational awareness.
SMS: Single Mobility System – Enables tracking of every U.S. DoD ground, air and sea deployment of unit personnel cargo and equipment. More than 18,000 users worldwide rely on SMS as their entry point into the defense transportation system. The web-based computer system provides visibility of air, sea, and land transportation assets as well as aggregated reporting of cargo and passenger movements. SMS is used from unit-level to headquarters for situational awareness, predictive analysis and sustainment data for real-world operations and contingency/exercise planning.
JDLM: Joint Deployment Logistics Model – A multi-functional training simulation tool that enables logistics personnel to exercise their C2 / C4I systems in a realistic combat environment. The map-centric software depicts detailed transportation, supply, maintenance, medical, personnel and multi-modal infrastructure behaviors. JDLM can also be linked to combat models, such as JACTS, CBS and WARSIM. In this federated mode, it used by the U.S. Joint Forces Command, the National Simulation Center and U.S. Army Battle Simulation Centers worldwide to provide logistics support for combat operations scenarios.