Critical Mission Planning for Military Operations
Tapestry Solutions is a leader in the development of mission planning software, services and solutions that provide the warfighter with fully integrated battlefield mission planning capabilities. We provide mission planning solutions for military aircraft including the F-15, F/A-18, F-22 and T-38, as well as weapons systems, bombers and unmanned air vehicles. Our technologies give warfighters the critical data they need to execute missions, including route planning, threat management and situational awareness.
Drawing from decades of experience and the resources of the Boeing enterprise, we are committed to developing the next generation of mission planning technology. Our understanding of aircraft and weapons planning, coupled with our support of Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS), will help the U.S. Air Force fully integrate and automate its force-level planning system.
As an expert in the JMPS, our core strength is integrating and fusing data from multiple sources to enable seamless mission performance for joint and multinational missions. For the JMPS effort, we are creating an innovative, cost-effective Unique Planning Component (UPC) for the F-15, F/A -18, F-22, and T-38 that allows the warfighter to prepare the aircraft data necessary for mission execution.
The UPCs are a critical part of a system of systems called the Mission Planning Environment (MPE). Tapestry has pioneered an MPE integration technique that facilitates collaboration between industry partners and the warfighter. This coordination paves the way for seamless incorporation of updated system components to allow the warfighter access to the most current capabilities.
The JMPS program, which began in 1997, will eventually support Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Army, and U.S. Special Operations Command fixed and rotary wing aircraft, weapons, and sensors, including precision guided munitions (PGMs), cruise missiles, and unmanned aerial vehicles. It also supports the downloading of data to electronic data transfer devices for transfer to aircraft and weapon systems.

Tomahawk Strike Planning & Execution
Warfighters use our software to plan and navigate targets for the Tomahawk, which is used as an all-weather submarine cruise missile or a ship-launched, land-attack cruise missile. Tomahawk mission planning capabilities include precision targeting, route planning, mission distribution, weapon simulations, and network-enabled weapon datalink planning. Tapestry also supports the Enterprise Infrastructure program for the Tomahawk.
Tapestry plays a significant role in the development of mission planning solutions for Boeing's Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) program since its inception. The Boeing-developed JDAM kits convert existing unguided, free-fall bombs into accurately guided "smart" weapons.
As part of the original JDAM development team, we developed a common architecture, standard interfaces and complete mission planning systems that are implemented by all JDAM variants and sustainment efforts. Our efforts have included the development and maintenance of the JDAM Aircraft / Weapons / Electronics for the U.S. Air Force Mission Support System (AFMSS); as well as the JDAM Weapon Planning Module (JWPM) for the Portable Flight Planning Software (PFPS) mission planning system.

Tapestry provides technical and mission support services for the Tactical Mobile (TacMobile) program, which provides fixed-site and mobile Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) warfighting capability. It is a key system supporting the U.S. Navy's Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Force, or MPRF.
TacMobile supports pre-flight mission planning, in-flight data processing, post-flight data processing and analysis for the P-3C and P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol/reconnaissance aircraft. Tapestry provides system engineering, integration and sustainment services for currently fielded C4I systems and future upgrades. (See article)
Areas of Expertise
- Mission Planning Environment (MPE) User Interface
- Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS)
- Weapons Systems Unique Planning Component
- Direct Attack Mission Planning
- Electronic Warfare Mission Planning
- Software Design & Development
- Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Development
- Integration & Testing / Validation & Verification
- Training Support & Maintenance

We support the following programs:
- F15 (USAF and International) Mission Planning Environment (MPE) and Unique Planning Component (UPC) Development
- F22 MPE and UPC Development
- T38 MPE and UPC Development
- F/A 18 & EA 18G (US Navy and International) UPC Development
- Australia F/A 18 MPE & UPC Development
- Tomahawk Mission Planning System
- CH 47/147 Chinook India & Canada Mission Planning System
- Direct Attack Weapons to include JDAM, SDB and MOP