GDMS: Global Distribution Management System
GDMS provides near-time tracking of all security vehicles and civilian logistics in support of U.S. Army forces operating in Afghanistan. The map-centric software is a key element of the USTRANSCOM National Afghan Trucking (NAT) program and Host Nation Trucking (HNT) program.
GDMS provides complete situational awareness of vehicles / assets as truckers move food, clothing, medical supplies and other cargo throughout Afghanistan. The system tracks the vehicles as they pass hazards and checkpoints, and provides emergency/panic alerting. Its centralized database manages 7,000 to 10,000 missions per month.
GDMS receives position and alarm data from transponders and other commercial sources. The system supports the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Joint Movement Control Battalion (JMCB), and State Department. GDMS is also utilized by agencies including private security companies, NATO and commercial logistics companies.
ICODES: Integrated Computerized Deployment System
ICODES is one of Tapestry’s premier software tools used for military deployment and distribution processes, including conveyance load-planning and yard management. First deployed by the United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) in 1997, ICODES enables near real-time collaborative planning and tracking of cargo for aircraft, railcars and trucks/trailers. ICODES has served as the single load capability for the Department of Defense since 2007, and today serves over 20,000 users.
The web-based enterprise technology provides end-to-end supply chain visibility of the cargo load plans, including distribution forecasting and planning. Tapestry Solutions was recently awarded a $16.3 million contract to enhance and sustain the technology with ICODES Version 7.

GDSS: Global Decision Support System
GDSS is an advanced Command and Control (C2) solution that modernizes all aspects of air mobility operations for the U.S. Air Force. Tapestry Solutions is providing GDSS under a $47 million contract awarded in 2015. (See press release.)
GDSS enhances mission planning and execution monitoring for operations such as airdrop, airlift and refueling. The web-based solution integrates multiple legacy systems into a common computing platform with interfaces to over 40 systems. GDSS averages 3,700 users per day, and enables over 23,000 registered DoD users to see a unified view of the air mobility missions.
GDSS allows users to visualize key aspects of mobility operations, including weather, flight plans, diplomatic clearances and airfield detail to quickly and effectively determine mission status and make decisions. The C2 system is also used for crew and aircraft scheduling and post-mission reporting.
SMS: Single Mobility System
More than 18,000 users worldwide rely on SMS as their entry point into the defense transportation system. The enterprise web-based system tracks the U.S. military’s deployed equipment and personnel on land, air and sea, providing aggregated reporting of cargo and passenger movements.
SMS is used from unit-level to headquarters for situational awareness, predictive analysis and sustainment data for real-world operations and contingency/exercise planning.

MCTS: Mission Command Training Support
Tapestry supports live, virtual and constructive training exercises for the 7th Army Training Command – the U.S. Army’s largest overseas training command that provides realistic, tailor-made training solutions to U.S., NATO and partner nations throughout Europe, Africa and beyond. Work is being performed under the Mission Command Training Support (MCTS) contract.
In 2018 alone, the team trained over 60,000 military personnel across 35 nations during numerous multinational training events. The exercises, including Saber Strike and Dynamic Front, are designed to ensure the highest level of readiness and cooperation among U.S., NATO and partner nations. The training events are conducted at the Joint Multinational Simulation Center (JMSC) located in Grafenwoehr, Germany; its satellites in Baumholder and Kaiserslautern, Germany, and Vicenza, Italy; the Joint Multinational Readiness Center (JMRC) in Hohenfels, Germany; and Theater Security Cooperation exercises throughout NATO.
MCTSP: Mission Command Training Support Program
Tapestry Solutions supports homestation training simulations for the Army National Guard (ARNG) under the Mission Command Training Support Program. We are teamed with prime contractor, Parsons Corporation, to provide simulation-supported staff training, mission command training, information systems and technical services to the ARNG at their assigned units.
With the support of MCTSP mobile training teams, the distributed simulations training allows ARNG units to conduct training at their assigned unit locations without requiring travel to a regional Mission Training Complex.

JDLM: Joint Deployment Logistics Model
JDLM is a multi-functional training simulation tool that enables logistics personnel to exercise their C2 systems in a realistic combat environment. The constructive simulations replicate various scenarios that warfighters might experience during deployment, including issues relating to transportation, maintenance, personnel and reporting procedures.
JDLM can also be linked to combat models, such as the Corps Battle Simulation (CBS), Joint Conflict And Tactical Simulation (JCATS) and Warfighters' Simulations (WARSIM) model. When operating in this federated mode, JDLM is used by the U.S. Joint Forces Command, the National Simulation Center and U.S. Army Battle Simulation Centers worldwide to provide logistics support for combat operations scenarios.
JDAM Direct Attack Mission Planning
Tapestry plays a significant role in the development of mission planning solutions for Boeing's Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) program since its inception. As part of the original JDAM development team, we developed a common architecture, standard interfaces and complete mission planning systems that are implemented by all JDAM variants and sustainment efforts.
We developed and maintain the JDAM Aircraft / Weapons / Electronics for the U.S. Air Force Mission Support System (AFMSS); as well as the JDAM Weapon Planning Module (JWPM) for the Portable Flight Planning Software (PFPS) mission planning system.

Tomahawk Strike Planning & Execution
Warfighters use our software to plan and navigate targets for the Tomahawk, which is used as an all-weather submarine cruise missile or a ship-launched, land-attack cruise missile. Tomahawk mission planning capabilities include precision targeting, route planning, mission distribution, weapon simulations, and network-enabled weapon datalink planning. Tapestry also supports the Enterprise Infrastructure program for the Tomahawk.
TacMobile Program
Tapestry provides technical and mission support services for the Tactical Mobile (TacMobile) program, which provides fixed-site and mobile Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) capability warfighting capability. It is a key system supporting the U.S. Navy's Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Force or MPRF.
TacMobile supports pre-flight mission planning, in-flight data processing, post-flight data processing and analysis for the P-3C and P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol/reconnaissance aircraft. Tapestry was awarded a five-year contract to support the TacMobile program in 2015. (See press release.)

JMPS: Joint Mission Planning System
Tapestry is supporting the development of the Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS), a program of record that will fully integrate and automate the U.S. Air Force’s mission planning system in a collaborative, Windows PC-based software environment. For the JMPS effort, we are creating an innovative, cost-effective Unique Planning Component (UPC) software for the F-15, F/A -18, F-22, and T-38 that allows the warfighter to prepare the aircraft data necessary for mission execution. We have also pioneered the integration of JMPS’ Mission Planning Environment (MPE) for these aircraft platforms.
Tapestry’s commercial business is driven by our GOLDesp MRO & Supply product line – a leading commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software product that modernizes maintenance, repair, operations and supply chain management for complex assets operating in land, air, sea and space environments.
Our major commercial MRO & Supply contracts include:
- 31 Boeing Commercial and Military Programs
- 17 of 21 Performance-Based Contractor Supported Weapons Systems
- NATO Strategic Airlift Capability (SAC) Heavy Airlift Wing
- UK MoD Supply Chain Information System (Subcontractor to Boeing & IBM)
- Oman Enterprise Joint Logistics Management System (JAWDL)
- Kuwait Air Force F/A-18 MRO (Subcontractor to Kay & Associates)
- Kuwait MOD Supply (Subcontractor to General Dynamics)
- Royal Saudi Air Force Support
- Royal Australian Air Force
Tapestry's ESI is an enterprise-level IoT platform that connects various sensor technologies into a single user interface, providing standardization and improved efficiency on factory floors and across the global supply chain. It gives decision-makers a complete picture of their asset movements and inventory, resulting in substantial cost savings due to improved inventory control and reduced asset misplacement.
ESI is based on the Automated Identification Technology - Information Management System (AIT-IMS), that Tapestry rolled out across 50 Boeing production sites, saving the aerospace giant a projected $100 million in annual operating expenses. The platform serves as the gateway to the Industrial IoT for manufacturing and supply chain operations.