Tapestry Solutions has received an add-on contract to sustain the Sea Service Deployment Module (SSDM) – a new application within the Integrated Computerized Deployment System (ICODES) that provides the U.S. Navy and Marines with a common operating picture for managing cargo and personnel movements.

(U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Nick Cerilli)
Tapestry developed and integrated the application within the ICODES platform in 2017, which was a seamless undertaking with ICODES’ Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) infrastructure. SSDM is a replacement for the MAGTF (Marine Air-Ground Task Force) Deployment Support System, Version 2 (MDSS II). The MAGTF database, which is approaching the end of service, enables commanders to manage, track and rapidly deploy a unit’s assets and personnel anywhere in the world.
For more details, see the ICODES/SSDM brief released by the U.S. military’s Surface Deployment & Distribution Command, or SDDC.
ICODES is a joint decision-support system that provides near real-time planning and tracking of cargo stowage for air, ocean, rail and truck. With approximately 30,000 global users, the web-based enterprise technology provides end-to-end supply chain visibility of cargo load plans, including distribution forecasting and planning.
ICODES increases the efficiency of transportation planning performance by incorporating intelligent software agents that offer technical solutions to complex problems. The software agents monitor operations in near-real time, and issues alerts of inconsistencies for item placement and hazardous item segregation and storage. Users also have direct access to multi-user collaborative planning and comprehensive customizable reports.
A central component of ICODES is the Single Load Planner, or SLP, which interfaces with multiple cargo documentation systems to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of cargo data within a load plan. The ICODES Terminal Management Module expands upon the basic yard capabilities in the SLP by adding the element of time, geospatial representation of the facility, and tracking the history of cargo items as they are manipulated.
Major features of ICODES include:
- Load planning for ships, aircraft, railcars, and yards
- Load estimation for pallets, containers, trucks, and trailers
- Agent alerts that notify users of warnings or violations in a load plan or estimation
- Near real-time tracking and monitoring
- Representation of conveyance and cargo reference data
- Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) technology
- Enterprise with stand-alone fallback capability
Commercial variants of ICODES include GOLDesp Terminal Manager and GOLDesp Load Planner.
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Janet Dayton
Boeing Global Services